As of this post, I have been participating in the Ultimate Black Belt Test for 371 days and counting.
In the past year, I have renewed my study of the arts, my practice as a teacher, my duties as a citizen of the world, my connections to others in my sphere of influence, and my development as a human being.
More importantly, my students have begun to walk this path as well and collectively, we're on the path towards great things!
I'm due for a progress report anyway, so here's where I'm at after 12.2 months:
UBBT Accomplishments:
- I have lost 31 pounds. (Initial: 249, Current: 218)
- I have performed 93,100 pushups and 98,500 crunches/ab exercises.
- I have completed 2,600 repetitions of forms: 1k each of 2 different forms, 600 of a 3rd in progress.
- I have traversed 1,600 miles of combined running, biking, and hiking.
- I have completed 450 rounds of sparring & bag work.
- I have meditated for over 180 hours, at a minimum of two 15-minute sessions per day.
- I have completed 20 hours of groundwork & boxing training.
- I have reduced my plastic consumption by 50%.
- I have performed 8500 acts of kindness and another 3000 through students.
- Although I have not performed any anonymous acts of kindness for teammates, I have worked to deliver overt acts of kindness towards them.
- I have righted 1 of 3 wrongs in my life, and currently mending 2 of 3 relationships.
- I have profiled 2 living heroes and 2 books, with 3 more of each coming.
- I completed the Body for Life program during summer 2009 and will repeat it again.
- I have spent 1 day blind and 1 day mute.
- I have organized 3 environmental cleanup events and another 10 through students.
- I have performed portions of my testing requirements publicly 4 times.
- This journal entry will be my 127th journal in 53 weeks.
Personal Accomplishments:
- I have altered my diet and health habits to be in much closer alignment with my ideals.
- I have not purchased anything new since January 1st, other than basic necessities and supplies to facilitate the accomplishment of my goals.
- I have created and published 8 videos with my Flip camera, 2 videos with my phone, and another 4 with professional assistance from my brother.
- I have begun to learn how to cook and can now proudly wear an orange belt in the kitchen.
- I have been cleaning out sections of my home and the excavation is proceeding well.
- I have paid off 1 of 3 credit cards in full, with another close behind.
- I am managing a much healthier sleeping schedule, with close to 7 hours/night of rest.
- I am cross-training in 4 other arts and have been enjoying the process of being a student again.
- I have redesigned my dojo's core curriculum and testing process with a much more 'intelligent' focus.
- My participation in the UBBT is having a positive influence on other martial arts schools in the area through networking and friendly exchanges of information. My students have also grown from the relationships that have blossomed out of those conversations.
- I have constructed a Digital Dojo for my program which has received hits from all over the United States, Canada, and Europe....and still growing!
- Although my student team has dwindled in active participation, I am still very proud of the work that is being accomplished by our core group and hope that it will inspire the others to resume their progress towards their goals.
- My students and I have met numerous UBBT members, veterans, coaches, and inspirations. Additionally, I have interacted with many more digitally through the magic of Facebook and Ning.
We've only just begun.