Today, I had my first information session for prospective "Live" student members. It was an after school session, held during finals week, so I was expecting a somewhat low turnout. To top that off, our school busses had to depart earlier than normal, so I ended up with a lot of interest forms signed. I'll need to follow up on that.
In terms of promotion, it's primarily been word-of-mouth, using the unparalleled power of the Teenage Communications Network to broadcast news about the program in a way which evoked a sense of school pride in the students. I also put out a couple of handmade infomercial-like posters , along with some digitally-edited photos of some of the club's members (much like the photo above). Lastly, I posted announcements on Facebook and my club's Google Group.
I could've promoted this much more effectively. I didn't utilize the school's advisory (homeroom) period to make any announcements, or to ask teachers to do it. I also needed to schedule this during a more convenient time, and with enough advance notice for parents. I didn't pick up the phone at all, and I could have developed better handouts.
Still, the turnout was impressive. I had 23 students show up, which is 10% of the school! Of them, 15 were prepared to commit on the spot. The other 8 are almost fully committed. I will follow up on them later. Additionally, I have a large stack of interest forms, and several teachers from the school who want to take part in the training!
Between all of them, I'm absolutely certain that we will have 20+ people participating in the program. Ideally, I plan to secure firm commitments from the rest of the interest forms and build to the point where 20-25% of the school is involved.
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