Tuesday, August 4, 2009


During the past few days, I've been reorganizing my work space, as well as my home. Furniture is everywhere, along with stacks of bags and boxes full of my worldly belongings, and it's all starting to come together into a new look. The process has been rather therapeutic for me, in that as I organize the elements of my living space and working area, I feel cleansed.

Financially, I also finished paying off the balance of one of my three credit cards. It's also been a relief to have this done - one step closer to freedom from those plastic rectangles! I was bolder than usual when I made out the final payment, giving more than usual, but even though things will be tighter for me this month, it will give me a good opportunity to exercise better self-control.

I've been reaching out and making contact with family and old friends online. It was a gentle reminder and great advice from one of my students' own journal entries about the power of the Internet and maintaining good relations (if you're reading this, thanks John!). In a short amount of time, I've renewed some old friendships, caught up on some family news, and in general, while I've been tired at the end of my day, I feel more connected than I have been in a long time.

I'm sleeping better at night, leaving me with more time in the mornings to meditate and begin my day feeling focused and alive. I feel like so much has been lifted off of my shoulders...just in time for me to find new things to carry! Onward I go, towards further progress!

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