Sunday, August 8, 2010

Embracing the Minimalist Journey

"The things you own end up owning you."
~Tyler Durden (Fight Club)

Minimalist Journey is a blog that chronicles the story of Mark Savage, who engaged in a personal quest to make a list of everything that he owned (over 3,000 things) and then systematically reduce it until it was a list of 100 things.

His story was so remarkable to me that I have chosen to embrace a similar goal as a part of my UBBT 8 journey: I will give away, donate, trade, recycle, sell, or dispose of no less than 80% of my material possessions next year. (I'm starting now.)

How will I know if I'm achieving this?  Simple.  I'll be able to walk in my garage again. (ha!)

Seriously though, I've amassed way too much clutter in my life in the form of needless things.  It's been a splinter in my mind for far too long, and now that I've embraced The Compact during UBBT 7 (buying nothing new for a year), as well as a personal goal of excavating the clutter of my household, the realization that I own too many things is an ever-present phantom in my daily meditations.

It's a journey of cleansing.  I'm releasing myself of unnecessary material attachments, connections to an old life that was too full of commercialism, material acquisition, and unrestrained impulsiveness - freeing myself to embrace a path of simplicity and inner wealth.

Before you think I've gone off the deep end....stop and count how many CDs, DVDs, and in my case, video game cartridges, cassette tapes, VHS & Betamax tapes (!!!), records, and 8-track cassettes are in your home.  Do you really need THAT many pairs of shoes - how about giving some to Brian Williams?  How many tablecloths, bedsheets, towels, etc?  Could there be such a thing as having a few dozen too many power tools?  For you veteran long does it take you to dust your collection, or did you just put it all into storage - why is it even there if the lessons live within you?

I'm embracing the Minimalist Journey to free myself.  Won't you join me?

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