Sunday, October 24, 2010

Self-Defense Against An Overwhelming Life

I have a lot on my plate today.  If I didn't know better, I might feel overwhelmed right now.

Truth is, a part of me does feel that way and I thought that my own process of refocusing my head would be worth sharing, as I often have conversations with students, co-workers, and relatives who are similarly overwhelmed with the circumstances of their own life, so I thought I'd think out loud here.

5:00pm.  Six more hours before bedtime, if I'm lucky.  In that time, there's a lot to be done.

First, before you go any further: stop and be still, Garcia.  Have a cup of tea and refocus.  You're no good to anyone if your mind is on a faster spin cycle than your laundry machine. (Crap, the laundry.... *facepalm*)

But I don't have time....

Fifteen minutes is a minimal loss.  45 minutes of focused time-on-task will outperform an hour's worth of frazzled, panicky work.  Just do it.  Drink some tea and check your Facebook.

Hey, this might make for a good UBBT entry - save that thought.

How am I possibly going to get all of this done in time?

Maybe you will, maybe you won't.  It definitely won't if you just sit there and freak out.

So what do I do?

One thing at a time, as you always do.  Your work requires you to focus.  You're not fighting a 5-on-1 sparring match.  That's different.  The multitasking you can do is for mindless tasks, like drinking tea while you check your Facebook.  With real work, multitasking might be handling other business while the copy machine prints for you, or some simple thing like that.  However, that's not what you do - so start with one thing, finish it, move to the next.

Time's up.  Focus.  45 minutes of focused work.  You've got this, Black Belt.  Handle it.

Okay, it's go time!  What's first?

Oh yeah, that blog entry - ten minutes.  Type it, post it, move on.  Go.

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