Monday, September 14, 2009

Reaching Out

Today, I clicked a couple of links and I was instantly connected to KJN Tom Callos on Twitter and on his new Ning site. This adds to the numerous other ways that we're linked on the digital plane: Facebook, this site, LinkedIn, YouTube, online forums, and the usual e-mails. Add the video conferencing (I'm overdue to reach out) and phone chats and I've noticed that I have so many ways to stay in touch with what he's doing. After looking at his example, I wonder if my students consider me to be just as accessible, or if they feel that I reach out to them in their lives.

Am I using my own social media and other communication tools to the best of my ability? I don't feel like I am yet, but I'm beginning to learn. I've begun using e-mail to reach out to my students with valuable lessons and heartwarming content. I have a presence on Facebook and Twitter, but I could stand to grow in these areas. I definitely could stand to become more media savvy and learn how to edit videos and photo slideshows.

Sometimes, I feel like I'm overcomplicating things by being online in so many places, but I know that's not the point. The main lesson for me to take away is to reach out to the places where my students (and my future students) are, and build those relationships outside of the walls of my school.

I suppose I can call it a marketing strategy, part of the evolution of my professional life. I think of it as connecting with people, but in our line of work, aren't these two things the same?

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