Sunday, September 26, 2010

Less QQ, More Pew Pew

On any given day, were I to unfilter my Facebook newsfeed (gah), I'd see an ever-renewing cycle of despair scroll down the front of my screen, or 'qq', as my gamer friends might call it - a reference to the resemblance between a pair of lowercase Q's and a pair of crying eyes.  (I guess qq was easier than qp...but I digress.)

There's a lot of qq out there.

If you're in a semi-populated area, chances are that you are bound to encounter people who bemoan the circumstances of their lives.  They are in your workplaces, at your schools, at the supermarket, in line at the coffee shop, on the road, sometimes at home (hopefully not), throughout your neighborhood, and many more online.  Our social media tools, in addition to all of their perks, also seem to have brought us ever-so-closer to the collective despair of our friends all over the planet.

I'm not saying that we shouldn't ever complain, and yet I am.  Just catch yourself in your mind before you vocalize it.  When you feel like complaining, it's usually a sign that action needs to be taken.  Whether that action involves starting a task, finishing a project, adjusting a perspective, or whatever...if you're uncomfortable enough in your life to want to say something about it, then you're also near to the point where you're ready to do something about it.

We all have our ups and downs, but if you're down, then get back into the fight, guns blazing with the 'pew pew' sound that your children's video games make, because maybe our kids' games have something to teach us after all: that getting to the next level isn't possible without playing the game.

Less qq, more pew pew, my friends.  Stay in the game.

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