Thursday, September 2, 2010

Revisiting the Cycle

Last year around this time, I made a similar post about cycles, but my thoughts are there right now, so I'm going to follow up a bit more.

I like back-to-school season.  It's extremely busy for me, but with good reason: I'm engaged in a process of renewal and improvement.  With the new school year at hand, I want to improve upon the curriculum that I taught last year.  I'd like to do a much better job of communicating it in a way that is both effective and entertaining!

As I've put more thought into this idea, I've also begun to consider how much of our lives become linked to the cycles of behavior that we construct and implement into our daily lives.  The routine that you do before work each morning, the habits that you have during your day, the behaviors that you act out many of these are linked to cycles, yes - but even more important is that since we construct and implement them, we control them.

Seems like common sense, but there are so many times when we find ourselves locked into bad habits and feeling unable to change them.

The answer is within us.

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