It's the end of the month, so here are my updated totals! For reference, here is a link to my original list of goals.
Big Stats:
(I'm tracking my grand total since I committed in April 09, w/separate tracking for 2010-only!)
Pushups: 86,000 (30,000 since 1/1, mostly inclined for my shoulders)
Ab Exercises: 90,000 (34,000 since 1/1)
Kicks: 91,000 (35,000 since 1/1 - this is one of my own goals outside of the UBBT)
Mileage: 1482 (394 since 1/1: 270m bike, 92m run, 32m hike)
More Stats: (2010-only)
Forms: 520 (180 in Jan, 140 in Feb, 200 in Mar)
Sparring/Bag Rounds: 360 (92m sparring, 268m bag)
Meditation: 2700m, estimated (I average at least two 15m sessions daily)
Acts of Kindness: 5974 (big, small, conscious & sincere)
Inspired AOKs through school/community: 2562 (many through Free Hug Day)
Righting 3 Wrongs: 1 in progress, 2 in the works.
Mending 3 Relationships: 2 in progress, 1 in the works.
Living Heroes Profiled: 2 (1 in the works to bring me up to 3)
Books Read: 4 (IOU 2 summaries)
Personal Goals in Progress:
Current Weight: 220 (originally 249 in Apr 2009, was 224 in Jan, dropped to 220 and bounced to 222 in Feb, dropped to 217 and bounced to 219 in Mar. Grr! It's coming off, but it can be frustrating watching the scale!)
Weekly Journaling: With some minor variance, still on track.
Healthy Sleeping Habits: On track, averaging 7 hours/night.
Clean Home: My electricity bill has increased, but I've been doing a lot more laundry.
Credit Cards Paid Off (my personal goal): 1 paid off, 1 in progress, on track to be paid off in May.
Cooking: Can accomplish simple salads, eggs, and pasta now. Not much progress this month.
Body For Life: In progress. Been sick this month and haven't been consistent. Going to begin anew once I kick this virus.
Groundwork & Boxing: 9 hours completed total; 5 of them this month. Still not good enough for me. Was doing 30m/day of groundwork basics that Kai showed me (thank you again Kai), and dropped off once I got sick.
Empathy Training: 1 day mute complete.
Videos & Film: Made 6 videos with my Flip camera, 2 videos on my phone; made one with much assistance from my brother. I'm learning!
Diabetes Education Course: I have materials from Dawn; need to begin integrating and implementing.
Anger Management Course: Postponed; pursuing MADDCAP info first.
Project Planning Guides for Teachers: Turning this into a summer goal.
Environmental Cleanup: 1 completed; more to come after the rainy season.
Public Performances: 2
Memorize Quote: Not yet begun.
Seek a Master: I feel as if I have encountered numerous ones; however, I need to process this more.
Reduce Plastics: No new plastics purchased; Brita pitchers in use; silverware in tow daily. Educating my students about the Algalita project and the Great Pacific Garbage Patch.
Buy Nothing New: Aside from essentials, no new purchases made since 1/1/10. Still going strong.
Student Team Engagement: Still some hardcore folks, some are still trying their best even though they're behind; others aren't trying very hard right now. It's unfortunate, but I'm moving ahead and leaving the door open for them.
Anonymous AOKs for Teammates: No anonymous ones yet; kind acts performed openly though. :)
Contact teammates regularly: Using the UBBT site for this, expanded to videoconferencing on Skype. Was very pleased to have met so many people at the UBBT reunion. In case we didn't get to meet yet, maybe I can give you a call sometime?
Last, but not least:
No quitting: Renewed this again today - time for my next evolution! :)
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