Friday, March 19, 2010

Video Machine!

Since the UBBT reunion in February, I've been playing around with videos on my new Flip cam.  I purchased it with the hope of making it easier for me to reach my video goal for the year, and I'm well on my way!  This week, I am a video-editing machine!!!

I thought I'd share a few of them with you this week.  The first is from a workshop that Master Callos did at my school, edited by my brother with some creative input from myself:

It really was an amazing seminar, and quite honestly, the best class that my students have ever had.  Thank you again for coming, sir.

Coach Tom was in classic form throughout the event, and if your only exposure to him is just through his writing and vlogs, you're seriously missing out.  This next video captures a classic Tom Callos moment during the workshop:

I also uploaded some videos to the UBBT site from some other events that have been going on in my neck of the woods.  This next clip is from one of our outdoor workouts, and while we did an awful lot of hiking and push-ups, the camera didn't catch all of the running (read as: sprinting to catch up with our track stars) that went on all over the hillsides:

We were also honored to meet our Live project brothers & sisters at the Kahnawake Survival School on a videoconference this past week.  It was a great experience, and despite our technical difficulties with the microphone & speakers, I felt that it really broadened the sense of the scope of our project for both of our teams.  I'm really looking forward to doing another one of these again to keep in touch.

Here's another vid:

And that's it from me for now....3 videos closer to my goal! (Credit for the first goes to my brother.) 

Keep training hard and sharing stories of your progress!

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