Saturday, January 15, 2011

Reading About Oscar

My girlfriend kindly recommended that I read Dr. David Dosa's Making Rounds With Oscar, a memoir based on the true story of Oscar the cat, a elusive and somewhat temperamental cat who resides in a nursing home, spending most of his time away from the residents.... until one of them is about to die.

Ever the skeptic, Dosa doesn't believe that Oscar's presence is a coincidence; however, over the passage of time, Oscar displays this remarkable behavior with an uncanny accuracy.  His presence relieves family members, brings comfort to those in the twilight hours of their lives, and serves as a signal for caregivers to contact family members.

Ultimately, Dosa decides that it doesn't matter how it works, but what matters is how Oscar brings a sense of reassurance to others.  It's a beautiful story which reminds us about how paying attention and being in the moment can provide us with unique insights on how and when another is in need.

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