Thursday, January 6, 2011

Less is the New More: My UBBT Goals for 2011

That's no camera flash - I'm that excited to be here!

I am proud to announce my participation in the Ultimate Black Belt Test in 2011, as a member of Team 8.  This will be my second UBBT experience and I am already on the move, as I haven't yet stopped from when I first began!

For me, the UBBT is also my test for 6th degree black belt.  As an independent instructor, I chose to embrace the UBBT as my vehicle for testing because it is HARD.  I'm realistic about the fact that I'm pretty young to be testing for such a high rank, and the world doesn't need another random 30-something martial arts master running around.  The rank isn't what drives me.  I just want to do the best job that I can, helping as many along the way as possible - and then redefine that standard repeatedly.  I have faith that when I have earned the right to be promoted from amongst this group, I will have impacted far more lives than my own.

I will be participating alongside a team of 13 students and staff members from Epic Martial Arts, my program based out of Leadership Public High School in San Jose (and recently grown outward to UC Santa Cruz!).  My work at LPS San Jose as a teacher, advisor, and coach is a large part of the way that I have chosen to contribute to the world, and I believe that if you look at the lives that my students affect, as well as the ones they are building for themselves, you will see the heart of our practice within each of them.  They are impressive young men and women who will represent our school well.  I hope that you take the time to connect with them as they reach out to you with stories of their growth, challenges, and victories during the year.

As a continuing UBBT member, some of my goals have been completed already and others are still in motion; however, after reviewing my progress, it's time for me to renew my goals - infusing new direction on top of unfinished business to outline my plans for my next personal evolution.

As part of my commitment to myself and to my team this year, I have constructed a series of personal milestones which comprise my "test", constructed from a synthesis of the UBBT general curriculum guidelines, my results with Team 7 (click here for my goals from last year - the majority of them have been completed), conversations with Coach Tom Callos and other UBBT members, and my personal lifepath.  These are things which I expect from myself for my test.  Should any of you wish to join me in them, I would be honored to share in the pursuit of any of these goals with you!


In addition to completing the curriculum guidelines of the UBBT and attending the events, my personal milestones for the year are:

1.  I will lose 50 pounds and achieve a weight of 180 or lower by the end of the year.
As of December 31st, I ended 2010 weighing 230 pounds.  I picked up a few pounds over the holidays and I'm worried that I packed on a few extra ringing in the New Year.  For me, this is a second, renewed attempt to complete this goal - I set it last year when I weighed 249 and wanted to be 199.  It's time for me to step up.  To do this, I will be closely monitoring all the R.E.D. stuff (Rest, Exercise, Diet - three major pillars for me to build a strong and healthy lifestyle).

2.  I will improve in the fine art of delegation with my team in order to create and produce at least 200 videos by the end of the year.
Collectively, we will produce and publish 200 films during the year: 100 from myself, and another 100 from my team.  We have the additional support of my brother, who is a professional film editor; however, we will not be counting any of his films towards our team goal.  (We'll share them though!)

3.  I will become a certified Anger Management Educator this year.  
Last year, I was to complete a course from Dr. Tony Fiore, one of the foremost experts in the world on anger management.  I did not do this.  I will remedy this.

4.  I will earn a Certificate of Mastery in Peace Education this year.
I will enroll and complete the program offered by Teachers Without Borders.

5.  I will give away, donate, recycle, sell, or dispose of no less than 80% of my material possessions this year.
Inspired by Mark Savage's blog, Minimalist Journey, I decided last August to begin the process of reducing the clutter of my life in order to free myself to focus on what matters.  Mark gave up all except for about 3% of his possessions, so I should still be reasonably comfortable with only 20% of mine.  After completing The Compact last year and exercising enough willpower to avoid buying, my next step is to clear out what I've already purchased.

6.  I will assist in the redesign and relaunch of the Live Like a Champion Project, or a version of it.
Last year's program welcomed members from the Kahnawake Survival School in Canada, led by Coach Kanentokon Hemlock, as well as members from my program at LPS San Jose.  It was impressive to see how well young students did, even without a great deal of experience!  We're brainstorming and redeveloping the program to serve other educator/martial artists who are in a unique position to affect the lives of many young people.  Professionally trained and already placed in an environment which gives them hours of exposure and influence in the lives of children, an inspired teacher could accomplish a great deal through their students - and what a gift it would be to their lives!

7.  I will test for and earn rank in SGM Rick Alemany's system.
I began cross-training in the Alemany system last year, thanks to UBBT 7 member Kai Li, who kindly linked me up with resources and people to train with.  Much of my kata training for the year will focus on developing a high level of proficiency in his system so that I can test for and earn my 1st Dan under SGM.

8.  I will begin the process towards applying for the level of Master Teacher in my workplace this year.
LPS is piloting an extensive, in-depth portfolio process for career teachers to move up on the payscale by becoming recognized as Master Teachers, in a similar way that other educators may become National Board Certified.  I will not begin this process until after I have completed my other 2 educational goals, so my timeline for completion will extend beyond 2011; however, I am committed to beginning the process this year, most likely by seeking National Board Certification first.

9.  I will complete my second and third 100-mile bike rides this year, beating each previous time by at least 60 minutes.
In July 2010, I rode 101.66 miles over the course of 13.5 hours - an impressive distance, but a poor time.  Part of that time included 3 meal breaks, positioned at approximately 25-mile intervals.  Given that, I have no excuses for not being able to consolidate enough to shave off at least 60 minutes from my next attempt, and 60 more minutes from the following ride.  If I miss my mark, I'll just do it again.  I will accomplish this goal before the end of August of this year.

10.  I will learn conversational Spanish.
A part of me is slightly embarrassed to be a Garcia, work in a school with over 75% Latino/Hispanic students, and not be able to speak more than a handful of phrases in Spanish.  Even though I'm Filipino and there's plenty of Spanish in Tagalog, I never learned how to speak Tagalog either.  I trust that I will be surrounded by plenty of tutors to practice with through my student team. :)


The overarching theme of my 2011 goals is: "less is the new more".  I have filled the majority of my adult life with too many of the wrong things, so my major objective is to free myself of those things.  Less weight, lower time, less clutter, less "one-man-show", less junk, more health, more education, more education, more education, more results. :)

One thing you'll find out about me: I don't quit anything.  Sometimes I have to adjust and/or adapt as I learn from experience, but I will be there with you all year long, my friends.  Let's rock this!

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