Sunday, February 28, 2010

Monthly Progress Report: February 2010

It's the end of the month, so here are my totals!  For reference, here is a link to my original list of goals.

Big Stats:
(I'm tracking my grand total since I committed in April 09, w/separate tracking for 2010-only!)
Pushups: 76,500 (20,500 since 1/1, mostly inclined for my shoulders)
Ab Exercises: 78,500 (22,500 since 1/1)
Kicks: 81,000 (25,000 since 1/1 - this is one of my own goals outside of the UBBT)
Mileage: 1312 (224 since 1/1: 170m bike, 42m run, 12m hike)

More Stats: (2010-only)
Forms: 320 (180 in Jan, 140 in Feb)
Sparring/Bag Rounds: 220 (52m sparring, 168m bag)
Meditation: 1800m, estimated (I average at least two 15m sessions daily)
Acts of Kindness: 3841 (big, small, conscious & sincere)
Inspired AOKs through school/community: 2068 (many through Free Hug Day)
Righting 3 Wrongs: 1 in progress, 2 in the works.
Mending 3 Relationships: 2 in progress, 1 in the works.
Living Heroes Profiled: 2
Books Read: 2

Personal Goals in Progress:
Current Weight: 222 (originally 249 in Apr 2009, was 224 in Jan; dropped to 220 and bounced to 222. Grr!)
Weekly Journaling: With some minor variance, still on track.
Healthy Sleeping Habits: On track, averaging 7 hours/night.
Clean Home: My electricity bill has increased, but I've been doing a lot more laundry.
Credit Cards Paid Off (my personal goal): 2 in progress, on track to be paid off in March and May.  March 15th will mark the first one.
Cooking: Can accomplish simple salads, eggs, and pasta now.  Still making a mess when I get clumsy.
Body For Life: In progress. Slipped slightly during the UBBT reunion, picking up the ball and continuing onward.
Groundwork & Boxing: 4 hours completed this month.  Not good enough for me.  Need to do solo drilling before I forget things; started today with 30m of groundwork basics (thank you Kai).
Empathy Training: 1 day mute complete.
Videos & Film: Recorded 2 videos on my phone; made one with much assistance from my brother.
Diabetes Education Course: Dawn Swidorski visited on 2/22; following up with her about pledging.
Anger Management Course: Postponed; pursuing MADDCAP info first.
Project Planning Guides for Teachers: Turning this into a summer goal.
Environmental Cleanup: 1 completed; more to come.
Public Performances: 1
Memorize Quote: Not yet begun.
Seek a Master: I feel as if I have encountered numerous ones; however, I need to process this more.
Reduce Plastics: No new plastics purchased; Brita pitchers in use; silverware in tow daily.
Buy Nothing New: Aside from essentials, no new purchases made since 1/1/10.  Still going strong.
Student Team Engagement: Could be better. Working on this.
Anonymous AOKs for Teammates: No anonymous ones yet; kind acts performed openly though. :)
Contact teammates regularly: Using the UBBT site for this, expanding to videoconferencing.  Realizing that scheduling can be difficult when talking to teams from around the world!

Last, but not least:
No quitting:  Renewed this today - time for my next evolution! :)

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