Wednesday, June 30, 2010

May/June 2010 Progress Report

For the first time in my life, my biceps are nearing the size of my head.

I looked back and noticed that I forgot to publish my May 2010 numbers - oops!  I will rectify that error today...but first, a bit on me.

Training has been picking up lately.  I've had to reformat my personal program in order to account for the increased activity, but it basically consists of the following pattern:
  • 15-minute meditation after I wake up, followed by stretching & at least 60 minutes of cardio, every morning. (I'm on it Kai!)  Sometimes, I will add a short hike or bike ride of late, I've begun riding to work while the weather holds up.  Biking is greener and healthier than my hybrid least until I can get that Flintstone mod put in so I can run it. :) j/k
  • On weekdays, another 15-minute meditation during my break at work.  I close/lock my door, or leave campus to find a quiet space to do this.  During weekends, this is an afternoon meditation.
  • On weekdays, perform some/all of my UBBT reps with my student team during our sessions throughout the course of the week.  I've adjusted my program so I can do less reps on weekends (or even take a break!).  Anything missed becomes part of my solo evening workouts.
  • Afternoon training: on the bike while I run local errands, chill pace....but active and green!
  • Evening training, varies by day: Monday (BJJ), Tuesday (solo, my old curriculum), Wednesday (solo, my new curriculum), Thursday (kenpo), Friday (boxing/bag work), Saturday (chill), Sunday (eskrima)
My primary focus has shifted towards my physical training and diet.  The remainder of my UBBT requirements are going well, but I'm having a tough time burning off the that's my test.  For me, that means I've slowed down on everything else in order to put first things first during the summer months.  Fortunately, I'm ahead on many of my other goals, so it's not hurting my overall progress.

With that in mind, here's an update on my current training totals (May 2009-present):
  • Pushups: 105,500 (rowr!)
  • Crunches & related reps of abdominal exercises: 112,500
  • Mileage: 2188 (all that cardio & biking adds up, hitting 2.2k tomorrow!)
  • Forms: 3000 (1k each of Chung-Mo 3 & 4, 800 of Gaebaek, and 100 each of Kata 18 & 19 from the Alemany system, with more coming as I learn Kata 20!)
  • Sparring & Bag Work: 590 (almost 600, but well over the halfway mark!)
  • Groundwork: 60 hours (I'm starting to get the hang of this 'tapping out' business, lol)
  • Meditation: 210+ hours, estimated (15m, twice a day...adds up!)
  • Acts of Kindness: 13,000 plus another 4000 through students.
Onward - let the next evolution begin! :)

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