Friday, July 9, 2010


I have been training for this day my entire life.
Every victory is a stepping stone towards another.
Every mistake reinforces my experience for the next victory.

Today, I will enhance my health through my actions.
The recipe has always been there: eat well, train well, rest well.
The decision to live it is mine.

Today, there is a lesson to be learned, relearned, and shared.
The world is full of teachers when you use a student's eyes.
The decision to see it is mine.

Today, I will make a difference in someone else's life.
The opportunity is always there, waiting for me to take action.
The decision to do it is mine.

Today is my test - it is happening right now, and in every moment.
I have been training for this day my entire life.
My victory in this endeavor is my choice to make.

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