Sunday, August 22, 2010

Ideas That Matter, a book worth reading

If there was to be an introductory text in the ideas that are at work in the early 21st century, Professor A.C. Grayling's Ideas That Matter would be a strong candidate for selection.  Ideas is written somewhat like an encyclopedia: no table of contents (although there is a good index at the back), with topics arranged alphabetically.  Although admittedly opinionated in content (sometimes to my amusement), Grayling makes topics like 'bioethics' and 'postmodernism' accessible for the average adult reader, at least enough to where they can begin perusing other texts in areas of interest that they discover while reading his book.

A while ago, Coach Tom recorded a video for us in which he was perusing the local bookstore for curriculum ideas - the main idea being that much of the inspiration for master teachers of the martial arts in the area of curriculum can be found in areas that are traditionally considered outside of the arts; however, an insightful teacher will perceive the connection and incorporate it into their practice.

Grayling's book would easily give that same teacher stepping stones for their next five years of curriculum.  You may find yourself reading it in pieces, or randomly flipping to certain sections, but you'll find value in what you see.

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