Yesterday, I joined the 2010 "Live Like a Champion" team. This is my first entry in what will become a weekly (if not more) chronicle of my journey with the team and the students that will be joining me. It will include a variety of my thoughts and reflections which surface during my experience with the "Live" team: thoughts on what it means to be a martial artist, about my role as a teacher, my progress as a student, how martial arts can contribute to the world, and more.
I will begin with a confession: I'm not satisfied.
I think that if you want and desire real change in your life, it's important to be dissatisfied to a healthy extent. Rare is the person who enjoys rocking the boat when everything is comfortable and content. You have to be uncomfortable enough to act. Progress is born within that struggle.
Recently, I became uncomfortable enough to act on my feelings.
- I know that I can be more than what I am today, that what I am accomplishing is only a fraction of what is possible and there is more that I could be doing to achieve that.
- I know that I am not content with the current state of the martial arts world, that there are untapped possibilities waiting within the realm of potential for the spark that will inspire more.
- I know that I am not yet done growing as a teacher, friend, martial artist, human being, citizen of the world, and all of the other roles which I play.
- I believe that the "Live" project is a step in the right direction for me personally, for the entire martial arts industry, and for the world which we are all connected to.
Yet when all is said and done, after the milestones have been hit, the accomplishments have been earned, the celebrations have ended, and I can rest proud of my achievements, I want to be dissatisfied again so that I can grow.
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