Saturday, April 25, 2009

Using the Right Self-Talk

"I want to live like a champion."

I like the sound of this, but it's not the affirmation that I'm looking for. Don't get me wrong - I'm telling the truth when I state that I want to live like a champion, but there's a lot of people who probably want to do this and will talk themselves out of acting on it.

Let's try another one:

"I will live like a champion."

This affirmation might work for now, since I recently joined the team. If spoken with sincere intentions, this affirmation becomes a promise; however, it can also be said with an undertone of "later", so I don't think I want to use this one either.

Take three:

"I live like a champion."

Hmm, this one might work for me, except if I said that right now, I'd be lying. I'm not there yet, at least not completely.

However, before I complete this program, those words will be true.

And they will stay that way.

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