Friday, November 27, 2009

Word of the Week: Poiesis

Another goal of our life's work in the martial arts is poiesis.  This word is the Greek root of our word 'poetry', but initially was a verb meaning "to make".  Poietic work synthesizes thought with matter and time, and man with the world.  When performed, it has a transformational effect, bringing forth beauty and hope into the world.

In Plato's Symposium, Socrates repeats a story told to him by Diotima of Mantinea, which details a type of poiesis that extends beyond the cycle of birth and decay, a form of genesis through which men strive for immortality.  He details three types: (1) through our children, (2) through heroism and service, and (3) through the cultivation of virtue in oneself.

This is the work that we do with people.  I feel fortunate to have touched so many thousands of people throughout my career, and I hope that you all recognize the lives that you touch as well.  Even those whose paths have diverged from my own still carry on with their lives and take on so many noble and inspiring endeavors.  I feel honored to have shared a valuable time in their lives which has contributed to where they are today.

The arts that we practice and share are our gift to the world.  As we continue to refine ourselves, we also enhance our capacity to contribute.  Keep on training!

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