Thursday, August 20, 2009

Workout Summary, Day 119

Gah! Dropped the ball this week.

Work left me feeling drained and I caved in more often than not in order to rest. :(

Still managed to fit in three brief workouts this week though. That's still a lot more than most people get in, but I'm not satisfied with this. I'm feeling pretty disappointed in myself.

Need more ooomph!

Here's my tally for the week:

* Cycling: 20 miles (10 Fri, 10 Mon)
* Running: 6 miles (3 Fri, 3 Mon)
* Push-ups: 450 (150 FMW)
* Crunches: 600 (200 FMW)
* Squats: 100 (100 Wed)
* Bag Work: 2m (Fri)
* Current Weight: 228.8 (Dangit!)

Total since Day 1:

* Cycling (total): 648 miles
* Hiking: 153 miles
* Running (total): 99 miles
* Basics: 195m
* Form repetitions: 468
* Kicks: 22600
* Pushups: 11015
* Crunches: 16815
* Squats: 5670
* Lunges: 2270
* Punching w/weights: 30m
* Bag work: 144 rounds (144m total)
* Sparring: 10 rounds
* Boxing: TBA
* Grappling: 1 hour
* Net Weight Loss: -20.2

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