Thursday, August 27, 2009

Workout Summary, Day 126

Owwww. The soreness returns. Getting back on the saddle burns, even after a few days! It's a reminder to me to keep consistent.

School is back in session. Definitely feeling constraints on my available time. I'll need to reevaluate my workout regimen in order to get better results in shorter sessions.

Here's my tally for the week:

* Cycling: 40 miles (10m, MTWTh)
* Hiking: 14 miles (7m, Sat/Sun)
* Running: 12 miles (3m, MTWTh)
* Forms: 20 (10x, Sat/Sun)
* Push-ups: 900 (150x, Sat/Sun/MTWTh)
* Crunches: 1200 (200x, Sat/Sun/MTWTh)
* Bag Work: 5m (Fri)
* Current Weight: 228

Total since Day 1:

* Cycling (total): 688 miles
* Hiking: 167 miles
* Running (total): 111 miles
* Basics: 195m
* Form repetitions: 488
* Kicks: 22600
* Pushups: 11915
* Crunches: 18015
* Squats: 5670
* Lunges: 2270
* Punching w/weights: 30m
* Bag work: 149 rounds (149m total)
* Sparring: 10 rounds
* Boxing: TBA
* Grappling: 1 hour
* Net Weight Loss: -21

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