Monday, June 1, 2009

Inspiring Perspiring

"Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration."
-Thomas Edison

Since I've enrolled in the "Live" project, I've been feeling really inspired - almost all of the time. I feel so excited to have a new challenge in front of me. My first few baby steps towards that challenge have been met with success, which only further inspires me to do more!

However, I still need to keep a healthy sense of discontent. What I'm doing now isn't enough. It's not enough because I've been heavily focused on myself, and this project isn't just about me - it's about transforming my life, the lives of my students, and the kind of impact that we have on the community and world around us!

I've been giving this a genuine 100% effort, and I'm beginning to see results, but I also have to acknowledge that I'm getting these results because I'm only handling the first 1-2% of the challenge. When it starts to pile on, and it becomes harder and harder to meet my targets, my frustration level will inevitably increase. As I plateau, I may start to feel complacent and mull around a bit because I don't always know what my next step will be.

These are going to be times when I will need you. Watch me. There will be times when I tackle my challenges like a machine, and there will be more times when I will drag myself along because I've hit one of those points.

When this happens, I'd love to hear some gentle, but firm encouragement. Or, maybe you could invite me to tag along with you during your workout. Or, let's share a healthy meal together. In any event, I'd just love to know that someone's got my back and while I will always appreciate your support, those times are probably when I will need you the most to help inspire me to perspire.

Thank you in advance, for everything.

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