Thursday, June 25, 2009

Workout Summary, Day 63

Pictured: Someplace I'd really love to work out at! (lol)

In two short months, I've made a lot of progress. There's still a lot more to be made, but I'm happy to have remained consistent for this long. I've slipped a little bit at times, but I have an amazing support team that's kept my course steady and true!

The hiking is going well. I've been hiking at Santa Teresa Park and exploring several of the trails that I've always wanted to see. There's so much more here than I originally thought! I'm hoping to wander around a bit more and become really familiar with this place this summer. In the fall, I think I'll start tackling Alum Rock and Quicksilver Parks to change things up.

I'm going to need a new pair of shoes soon. My trusty cross-trainers have survived more than a few black belt training cycles and tests over the years and this recent blast of training will probably finish them off by the end of the summer.

Tally for the week:
  • Hiking: 22 miles (5 Sat, 5 Sun, 3 Mon, 3 Tues, 6 Thurs)
  • Cycling (stationary): 30 miles (5 per day: Sat-Thurs)
  • Running (elliptical): 3 miles (Wed)
  • Basics: 45m (15m per day: Sun, Tues, Thurs)
  • Forms: 36 (12 per day: Sun, Tues, Thurs)
  • Bag Work: 12m (4x60s: Sun, Tues, Thurs)
  • Kicks: 1800 (3x600: Sun, Tues, Thurs)
  • Punching (w/5lb weights): 15m (3x5m: Sat, Mon, Wed)
  • Push-ups: 375 (3x125: Sat, Mon, Wed)
  • Crunches: 450 (3x150: Sat, Mon, Wed)
  • Squats: 300 (4x25: Sat, Mon, Wed)

Total since Day 1:
  • Running (total): 59 miles
  • Cycling (total): 426 miles
  • Hiking: 55 miles
  • Pushups: 4425
  • Crunches: 6775
  • Squats: 2720
  • Lunges: 1800
  • Punching w/weights: 30m
  • Basics: 90m
  • Form repetitions: 272
  • Kicks: 13900
  • Bag work: 96 rounds (96m total)

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