That's what I often say shortly after breaking something with my head. (Kids, don't try this at home. Same goes for adults and everyone inbetween.)
For what it's worth, coming from a guy who's slammed his Neanderthalesque noggin through enough inches of wood to furnish his home, not only is it unbelievably silly to waste natural resources by shattering them against your skull...it's downright stupid.
Tonight, I didn't think. I acted.
My elbow hit the stack of bricks, and a foot of concrete slabs hit the floor - except two of them were still intact. Two, out of six. The middle two, of all things. Who breaks the top and bottom, and leaves behind the middle? That sounds like something out of a bad Oreo commercial.
Anyways, I grab one of the bricks and it soon becomes two, thanks to the cleaving power of a previously-mentioned Neanderthalesque skull. The other brick soon is split in twain as well.
Now, I look like a were-unicorn.
One last time. Kids: don't try this at home. Ever.
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