Monday, May 11, 2009

You Must Learn Control

(Props again to Master Yoda. Wise he is, yes.)

In my youth, I carried a lot of anger with me. I learned to hide it, so that no one else would see. When I was alone, I would boil within the stew of my own emotions. On rare occasions when it became too much to handle, I would lash out. It was not a pretty sight.

In time, I learned that holding onto anger and hiding it was a poor solution. It didn't make the feelings go away. I needed to engage my feelings and sort them out so that I could resolve the negative emotions that I felt. Doing this has contributed to the sense of peace that I have in my life. It's not that I don't feel anger anymore; I do, but those feelings get resolved much more quickly than before.

I have learned control.

This skill has been invaluable to my life, and it's also one of the reasons that I'm excited to be part of the "Live" program: participants complete a course to become anger coaches, learning techniques to help deal with anger. I didn't have these tools as a youth. I'm happy that I get to learn how to explain this to others, and that the students who are doing this program with me will be able to receive the same training.

How wonderful it will be for young teens to learn what has taken me a lifetime to begin to grasp!

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