Today, we break camp and head north to train at Kicks USA Martial Arts Center in Pleasanton. Before we do that, we need to give thanks to the land for providing us with a peaceful and exciting place to train. We've planned a massive cleanup effort for today, and the students all appear eager to take on the task.
Our challenge: clean a 100-yard wide stretch of beach for 1 mile. Anything man-made is to be collected and disposed of properly. Total cleanup area: 5280ft x 300ft = 1,584,000 square feet.
Students were organized into teams of 3. Each of them was provided with a large 40-gallon trash bag to collect any junk that they encountered along their path. Each team was assigned a 20-yard wide lane to scan as the group moved southward. With 6 active teams and 2 roaming instructors helping out, there was plenty of overlap.
The beach was rather clean. Collectively, we barely filled a bag after combining our findings; however, we were still pleased at having helped to improve the place.
We then turned our efforts towards breaking camp, cleaning the campsite and surrounding areas, and then said our goodbyes to Sunset Beach State Park.
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