Thursday, May 14, 2009

Workout Summary: Day 21

I hit my first mental plateau this week. I recognized it for what it was and continued to push, but I definitely felt the first stirrings of boredom sneak in. I didn't change much this week; perhaps that's part of it, but I don't think I'm performing at the intensity level that I want to be at yet, so I want to preserve elements of this plan for a while longer before rotating my workout and adjusting my program.

I ran very lightly on the elliptical trainer this week, keeping the majority of my cardio work to the stationary bike. (I need to get my bike fixed up so I can ride without staring at a wall.) My knees were grateful for this. I'll be running the Bay to Breakers 12k in San Francisco this weekend, and although my training program hasn't adequately prepared me for this year's race, I'm still looking forward to it as a challenge. It'll help me set a benchmark so that I can gauge my progress after next year's race.

Next week, I will be away for my Week Without Walls trip (mentioned in an earlier post). The week's curriculum will afford me some variety in my workout. I'll be away from my stationary bike, but I'll be hiking and doing some beach training to make up for it. Fun times ahead!

This does mean that I'll be away from a computer for most of next week, so I'll post updates for each day when I return from my trip.

Tally for the week:
  • Running (elliptical): 6 miles (Sat, Mon, Wed - 2 miles each)
  • Cycling (stationary): 60 miles (10 per day, not counting today)
  • Pushups: 300 (100 Sat, 100 Mon, 100 Wed, sets of 25)
  • Crunches: 600 (100/day since Th, 4 sets of 25)
  • Squats (no weights): 300 (100 Fri, 100 Sun, 100 Tues, 4 sets of 25)
  • Lunges (no weights): 300 (100 Fri, 100 Sun, 100 Tues, 2 sets of 25 - each side)
  • Form repetitions: 30 (10x Fri, 10x Sun, 10x Tues. Each day consists of 5 traditional, 5 contemporary)
  • Kicks: 1800 (600x Sat, 600x Mon, 600x Wed. Assorted kicking techniques.)
  • Bag work: 12 rounds (60 sec rounds; 4x Sat, 4x Mon, 4x Wed. Assorted boxing techniques.)
Total since Day 1:
  • Running (total): 29 miles
  • Cycling (total): 166 miles
  • Pushups: 1150
  • Crunches: 1800
  • Squats: 900
  • Lunges: 900
  • Form repetitions: 90
  • Kicks: 5100
  • Bag work: 36 rounds (36m total)

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